By Harland Hay
Harland & Diana

Table of Contents


Hebrews 10:16-17 This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord. I will put my laws into their hearts and in their minds will I Write them; and their sins and iniquities will I remember no more.
Satan has always wanted to take the place of God; he seeks control over the people of God.  This book will take you on a journey from Adam, Eve and Satan in the garden through to today where Satan rules the world with the mark of the beast.   We will take you step by step through the law, the fulfillment of the law through Jesus, to Constantine the first beast, King James the second beast, up until today.
Satan always wanted something of God’s to use to control God’s people.
Yet Michael the archangel when contending with Satan for the body of Moses, did not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.”
If Satan could have gotten the body of Moses he could then control the people of Israel. 
Moses was like a god to Israel, So God hid Moses’ body.
The word covenant comes from the Latin word convene: together + venire: come, an agreement, to come together, to make a covenant.
Under the Old covenant, the commandments were written by the finger of God
“And from a child thou hast known the Holy Scriptures, which is able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith, which is in Christ Jesus.”
All scripture was given by inspiration of God under the Old covenant.
“Who have received the law by the disposition of angels and have not kept it.”
The new covenant of Jesus Christ bought by his blood, and sent back after his death on the cross, was the Holy Ghost that fell on his people on the day of Pentecost.
Satan had to have a weapon, something Holy, something sacred, to combat the Holy Ghost.  This is why Satan had bibles made up by his rulers as a device to control the people by the old covenant principle of ruling by the written law, which was done away in Christ.  The letter kills but the spirit gives life. People of this time are controlled by the bible instead of the Holy Ghost
If you are under the control of the bible then you are controlled by Satan.  Satan uses the scriptures, the old covenant to deceive the whole world. Satan uses the Holy bible, because he can’t get control over people that have the Holy Ghost, but he can control them with Bibles.
Why would you want to have faith in a history book, when you can have faith in the living God inside of you?
“For John truly baptized with water; but you shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost. And ye shall receive power after the Holy Ghost is come upon you, and you shall be my witnesses unto the uttermost part of the earth.”
You can never overcome the power of Satan with the old covenant in your hand.  You must have the power of the Holy Spirit, the new covenant living in your heart.
Finally Satan has his device, the bible (he took from the history of God’s words that he has spoken in the past and compiled them to control you with) and with this device he rules the world and causes anyone that would serve God to break both covenants.  To break the new covenant by being controlled by the letter instead of the spirit, and to break the old covenant by breaking all the old laws.  Sinning always and not making sacrifices or being stoned to death.  This is the best device Satan could ever have “God’s word.”
John 5:39-40Search the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me, and you will not come to me that you might have life.”
The preachers of today, using bibles have taken people captive, away from the spirit of Christ and have cut them off from the living God.
Mathew 23:13 But woe unto you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites! For ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves neither suffer you them that are entering to go in.
The promise of God is the Holy Spirit.

Chapter One - To Originate

Can you imagine a donkey talking to a man?  Strange, but if you read the Bible in the book of numbers, chapter twenty two, that’s what it says happened.
With this thought in mind, imagine a serpent talking to Eve in the Garden of Eden.  After God had created everything, including Adam and Eve who were like angels (spirits) in flesh bodies, God commanded them not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  They were spiritual minded, knowing only what God had told them.   They had no evil in their hearts or minds.  They were innocent, like little children.  They walked around naked, unashamed.
“And God would walk and talk with Adam in the cool of the day.”
Then Satan entered into the body of a serpent to tempt Eve.  The body of the serpent was different than we know him to be today.  He became like he is today after God cursed him.  He must have been somewhat attractive because Satan convinced Eve to commit adultery with him (the forbidden fruit), and she then gave to her husband.  When they partook of carnal sin their eyes were opened and they became sensual gods that could recreate life, but now they had hearts and minds that lived after the flesh instead of the spirit.  They had obeyed Satan instead of waiting until God told them, and so entered the mind (will) of Satan to control man (be men’s god) and with it all manner of evil came such as lust greed, hatred, murder, envy, idolatry, and every evil work.
One very telling sign to sex being the sin in the garden is how they sewed fig leaves together to cover their nakedness to cover their sin.  Eating an apple does not cause you to be ashamed of your naked body. Also keep in mind that Jesus was born from a virgin to reconcile us back to God.  Lust   caused men to fall and a man born of a virgin caused men to be saved, but we’ll get to all that a little later in the story.
This angered God and he cursed the serpent above all animals and to go upon his belly and to eat dust. From this time God put enmity between Satan and the woman and between the woman’s seed and Satan’s seed, the woman’s seed being Jesus who was to come.
God cursed the man, the woman, the serpent, and Satan, the ground, and everything in the earth that day.  He then made coats of animal skins to clothe Adam and Eve and sent them out of the garden. They had fallen from their spiritual state of mind into an animal like state of mind.
This started the great battle for control over the planet earth.  God had given the earth to the son he created “Adam”, but Satan wanted it and God wouldn’t give it to him, so he took it from Adam.
Satan (Lucifer) was a great angel.
Isaiah chapter fourteen: “How art thou fallen from heaven O Lucifer, son of the morning; how art thou cut down to the ground which did weaken the nations, for thou has said in thine heart I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north.  I will ascend above the heights of clouds; I will be like the most high.  Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.”
After the fall of man, Adam and Eve had Cain and Abel.  Abel loved God and obeyed him, but Cain was of the wicked one and he killed his brother Abel. Therefore blood began to run on planet earth, as God and Satan fought for control through mankind.  As time went by God called Abraham, the father of faith. Faith is quite simple, God speaks to you and you obey him.  Faith comes by hearing (hearing God that is) and if you are faithful to God you will keep his words, whatever he tells you.
He made a covenant of circumcision (which is the removal of the flesh or foreskin) with Abraham and that through his son Isaac he would bring forth the seed that God spoke of in the garden.  “I will put enmity between your seed and the woman’s seed.”  The seed of Abraham was in God’s plan to bring us back to him.
God loved faith and grace.  It was never in God’s heart to give a law to man.  Abraham was called in faith.  You see at this time there was still no law given. From Adam and Eve through Noah’s time there was still no law given.  Abraham’s seed would suffer more than any other on earth.  Satan hated Abraham’s seed.  His seed was in prison for more than four hundred and thirty years in Egypt.  God then called Moses to set his people free from Egypt.
The law came by Moses.  Rules to control the flesh until the seed of God would come and reconcile us back to Him.  The Ten Commandments, thou shalt not steal, lie, murder, covet, commit adultery, have no other God’s, and the rest of the law including animal sacrifices,  washing’s, rituals, and so forth all came from the Law that God gave to Moses to control the children of Israel.  All of these things were to them in the Old covenant. The Old Covenant was full of fleshly types and shadows of what spiritual things were to come from God, types and shadows such as the tabernacle where the Ark of the Covenant was placed in the Holy place behind the veil where God would come down once a year and talk to the high priest.  After Israel came into the Promised Land King David wanted to build a temple which was later built by his son King Solomon.  The Ark was then placed in the temple. The Ark of the Covenant held the Ten Commandments and had much power. It was the glue of the old covenant. It was their foundation. If any man were to touch the ark unworthily they would be killed.  God would strike them down.  Every man was wicked but the law of God was Holy.  Anytime the Law would kill a man the law was in the right. The law did the right thing. The law was justified because all men were sinners.
The Law didn’t work because it was weak through the flesh.  It was given as a schoolmaster or guide until the seed which is Jesus would come.  We learned through the law that no man could keep it and that every man had sinned and come short of the glory of God.
Abraham’s seed was said of God to be as the stars of heaven, but they weren’t shining so brightly until God spoke to a young girl named Mary of the tribe of Judah.  He spoke by his angel Gabriel, “you will bring forth a son and you will call him Jesus.” 
God now had a son restored unto him.  To replace the one he had lost in the garden.  The first man Adam was a living soul.  The second man Adam (Jesus) was a quickening spirit.
The law was given until the seed would come.  This was the man that would be the Rock of Ages.  He was and is the Chief corner stone.  He was and is the living word of God. The resurrection, the life, the truth and the way back home for all who would come and take up the cross.

Chapter Two - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and the Bible Lie

Of course as Satan does with all things, he used the story of the life of Jesus to deceive the world also. The bible is true history of Jesus and what he did, but the bible was compiled into a lie.  The bible has Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John compiled as the New Testament.  That is a lie, Jesus hadn’t died yet, his blood wasn’t shed yet. The things that Jesus did when he was on this earth were him fulfilling the law and the prophecies. He was fulfilling the old covenant.
Jesus was a Jew that was promised to the Jews to fulfill their Jewish covenant. Jesus didn’t come to the gentiles, He didn’t call any gentiles, and he didn’t call a gentile apostle while he was on the earth.  He was still saying it is written, it is written because He had to fulfill all that was written, like He said “I have fulfilled all that was written concerning me”.He came to his own and his own received him not”, “Go not in the way of the gentiles but go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” “It is not meet to take the children’s (Jews) bread and cast it to the dogs (Gentiles).”  Those verses tell you plainly that Jesus only came to the Jews. When it was said that he came to his own, that means he only came to the Jews.  All that Jesus taught in the gospels was Old Testament. He told them to pray in this manner “thy kingdom come,” So clearly the kingdom hadn’t come yet.  He spoke of the Holy Ghost coming, so clearly it hadn’t come yet.  He said keep the commandments, pay tithes, etc. He was a Jewish messiah that came to the Jewish people to fulfill a Jewish covenant. He had a Jewish name, He spoke Hebrew. He called twelve Jewish apostles and gave them twelve thrones to judge the twelve tribes of Israel.
When people read the gospels of Jesus as if they are New Covenant they are being lied to. The Gospels aren’t to us in this day. The gospels were to the Jews that were living in the day that Jesus fulfilled the old covenant.  “Though we knew him after the flesh, now know we him no more”.  Jesus then said “it is expedient for you that I go away, for if I go not away then the comforter (which is the Holy Ghost) will not come to you”.  He didn’t say that he just had to go away; He told them that if he didn’t go away then they would not be saved. 
Jesus came to the Jews. He came to fulfill their scriptures. “Think not that I am come to abolish the law, I came not to abolish the law but to fulfill it”.  People think that means that the law still stands.  That is not true; they use that Scripture to say that the law is not over.   Jesus said “not one jot or tittle should pass from the law until all be fulfilled.”  “Heaven and earth shall not pass away until all be fulfilled.”  Again he was talking to the Jews and them only.  “Gentiles having not the law do by nature the things contained in the law; these having not the law are a law unto themselves.”  This was also said concerning the gentiles, “That at that time you were without Christ, Being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world.”  It wasn’t until after the resurrection of Christ that he called the Gentiles.
The law wasn’t fulfilled until Jesus rose from the dead.  The things that Jesus spoke in the Gospels were concerning the Jews and their covenant.  He hung on a cross and said “it is finished”; he also said “he fulfilled all that was written about him”.
All of the law and prophets were about Jesus. The Jewish covenant was only about Jesus coming to fulfill their law and to bring salvation. “Lo I come in the volume of the book, it is written of me”. Jesus came to fulfill their scriptures and bring them salvation. No man was ever justified by the law before Jesus; Jesus was the only man to not sin under the law.  No man could ever keep the law. 
The law was Holy but men were born of the devil’s seed.  They weren’t born of God. They were wicked.  Therefore anytime the law killed someone the law was in the right and the person was in the wrong, the law was Just.  Their covenant was the law and until the law would be made unjust their covenant would still stand.
This brings us to Jesus fulfilling the law. How did he do it?  You see Jesus had never sinned. He never did anything wrong.  When the Jews hung him on that cross and he died, it was impossible for him to stay dead, because the law was death, and had no power over him.  He was just, so when the righteous law killed a holy man.  Then the law was made void.  The law had no power, the law was over   it was fulfilled.  Now the law cannot protect the Holy, or the innocent.  This is how and why Jesus rose back from the grave.  You see the power of death is in the law, “the letter kills but the spirit gives life”.  So when Jesus who had never sinned was put to death by the law.   He couldn’t stay in the ground.   He wasn’t guilty.  Death has no power over life, and Jesus was full of the Holy Ghost, The quickening spirit of God, not of the letter.
 Satan Knew Jesus lived without condemnation. That is why Satan never quoted the law to anyone until Jesus. Satan had all people condemned under the law.  When He saw Jesus wasn’t condemned he quoted scriptures to Jesus to try to condemn him. When Jesus died and rose again, he overcame the law, and condemnation through the spirit of the living God, and that is when the old covenant was fulfilled.  That is when the law lost its power and when sin and death lost their grip.  That’s when the Jewish covenant was over. Their covenant was about Jesus coming to fulfill the law. That was their promise, and that promise was then fulfilled.
 Now anyone with the same spirit that was in Jesus will rise again from the grave, and have life everlasting in our new covenant of spirit and truth.  “Where a testament is there must also of necessity be the death of the testator”, “for without the shedding of blood there is no remission”, “Take drink this is the blood of the New Testament that is shed for you”.  Before the cross there was no new testament. The Ark of the Covenant still had power. You would still die if you touched it unworthily. The temple was still standing, the commandments and law still held the keys to death.
When Jesus walked the earth, he said strange and unusual things. Some people thought he was crazy, or beside himself.  Of course he wasn’t crazy; he was spiritual and spoke of things from a spiritual perspective.  He said, “Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you have no life in you.”  “You must be born again.”  “If you asked of me I would give you living water.”  “If you have seen me you have seen the Father.”  Should we now then eat the flesh of Jesus, or have we seen the Father?  Of course not, he was talking spiritually.
The chief priest and Pharisees did not want a king that turned the other cheek.  They wanted a sword bearing king that would deliver them from the oppression of Rome.   For envy they nailed Jesus to the cross.
Jesus told them, “Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up again.”  The gates of hell will not prevail. The flesh and all of Satan’s men would not win over the spirit of God.  The Holy Father raised him from the dead, and gave him the kingship that Satan wanted and control over the earth and all the righteous people that would live on it.
Jesus became and is the son of God, the word of God, God’s chosen king.  He took the throne of David.  Jesus is the seed of God and the sacrifice for our sins.  He is also the high priest. He fulfilled the law and then began the new covenant of God in us, the Covenant with the Holy Ghost inside of us. As it says in Acts, chapter two verse seventeen, we are the temple of God. The old temple of the Jewish covenant was once again destroyed about forty years after Jesus died on the cross, just as Jesus had prophesied. The temple was destroyed around 70 A.D by Rome and Israel was no longer a country until 1948.  Clearly the Jews killed the son of God. God has not allowed their temple of their old covenant to be rebuilt since they killed Jesus.  The Ark of the Covenant has not had power since they killed Jesus.  No one has died from touching the Ark of the Covenant in two thousand years.   Now we are the temple, now we have the word of God in us by the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit inspired the scriptures and old covenant; it gave power to the law because the law was righteous.  The Holy Spirit gave power to the Ark of that Covenant which held the Ten Commandments, but that covenant was only a shadow.  Jesus in the Holy Spirit fulfilled that covenant.  When a covenant has to be fulfilled then it is clearly not the promise.   Now we live in the new covenant.   We have the laws of God in us, and not in INK or in stone.   When you have the spirit in you that inspired the scriptures, then you live in the promise, and you don’t need the scriptures.
Now the battle for the souls of mankind begins putting King against king, and Kingdom against Kingdom. Now we have a king without sin, the perfect sacrifice.  The sacrifice accepted by the father to reconcile us back to him, back to our Creator.  Jesus is the atonement, redeemer propitiation for our sins and the Lamb of God.  He was the only one without sin, or spot or blemish. He is the author and finisher of our faith, and our salvation.
And they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
Revelation 12:11 And they overcame by the blood of the Lamb.
How could they overcome before the blood was shed?

Chapter Three - The Resurrection

“If in this life only we have hope in Christ, then we are of all men most miserable.”  Adam gave his life for the flesh.  Jesus gave his life for the spirit. Then Jesus came back from the grave, gave instruction to his disciples, opened the seals from the hand of God and started the war against the kingdom of Satan.
People say Jesus has a church, but he has a kingdom, He is a King.  The word kingdom was changed to church to make Christ seem smaller.  That is one of Satan’s tactics.
On the day of Pentecost one of the greatest things to transpire on earth happened, the Holy Ghost fell upon about 120 of Jesus’ apostles and disciples.  They all spoke with other tongues, and prophesied.  If you think this is easy, try to learn another language.
This is what the Holy Father had promised through Jesus.  In the last days saith God, I will pour out of my spirit on all flesh.  This is the promise of God.  This is the gift of God “THE HOLY GHOST.”  He never promised to send us Noah’s ark, The Holy Grail, Jesus’ robe, a book about Jesus, His sandals, or anything else.  He never promised to send us something natural. His promise to us is the Holy Ghost, The gift of God.  This Promise is to you and your children and to them that are afar off.  To repent is to give up your life after the flesh.  Baptism is to be buried with Jesus; it’s your funeral day, rise to walk in newness of life.  Be led by the spirit of the living God.
This is the new covenant.  “I will put my laws in their hearts and in their minds will I write them.”  You are the temple of the living God. As God had said, “I will dwell in them and walk in them, and I will be their God and they shall be my people.”  “I will be a Father unto you, and you shall be my sons and my daughters saith the Lord God Almighty.”  “I will pour out my spirit.”  This is the spirit of promise and the gift of God.
After this event happened on the day of Pentecost, the sons of God began to be led and controlled by the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost started being recorded about in what we call the book of Acts.  Then the spirit said unto Philip, “go near and join thyself to this chariot.”
In a vision to Ananias the lord said, “Go to the street called straight and pray for Saul.”
The spirit said unto Peter, “Go to Cornelius’ house.”
The Holy ghost said, separate me, Barnabas and Paul for the work whereunto I have called them.”
Satan has a problem, men and women are being led by the spirit of God, comforted by the spirit, “The Holy Ghost making intercession for them.”  They needed no man to teach them.  The Holy Ghost in them taught them all things.
What was Satan going to do?  In Job’s time all Satan had to do was attack the flesh.  Satan had told the Father, “skin for skin, yea all that a man has will he give for his life.”
Now Satan has to overcome the Holy Spirit in man, he had lost his control over mankind.  Man was being controlled by the spirit of God.  He would kill them with the sword, stone them to death, put them in prison, nail them to the cross and still they could not be stopped.  They wouldn’t bend, they wouldn’t bow, they would sing on their way to the lion’s den.  They were now sons of God, born of Jesus seed of God.  To whom Satan offered the whole world if he would worship him, but Jesus said, “get behind me Satan, I will worship the God of heaven and him only will I serve.”
Satan had to dig down deep.  He could not overcome the Holy Ghost. The only thing on earth that Satan cannot control is the Holy Spirit of God.
Now Satan has to emulate.  Satan must try to equal or surpass, to imitate.
The law was weak through the flesh, but now he is up against the spirit of God.  Now he has to deceive.

Chapter Four - Constantine

Learn the wiles of the devil.
The religious people in Jerusalem stoned Stephen to death.  They killed James with the sword.  It’s reported in history that Nero took off the Apostle Paul’s Head, but the church grew.
The temple in Jerusalem was torn down around 70 A.D. and the people were scattered.
Then Satan anointed Constantine.  He was a real genuine false Christian, Constantine the great, one of the most unscrupulous yet influential individuals to have ever lived. He murdered his oldest son, traded his sister to a pagan rival and choked his wife to death while she was bathing. He thought he was the 13th apostle. Constantine dug up the graves of the apostles and placed temples on their grave sites, he worshiped the dead; he came in a spirit of antichrist.
Christ came to fulfill the law, temples made with hands, holy days, tithes, Priests, scriptures, and more.  Now we are the temple of the living God, we keep every day holy in the Holy Ghost. The only people that need to keep one day holy are the wicked that can’t keep every day Holy.  We are all kings and Priests to God, we are all welcome in the Holy place, no man is above another, and the laws of God are written in our hearts and in our minds, but Constantine set back up all that Jesus came to fulfill.  He did all the opposite of Christ, Constantine set back up temples made with hands, law books, the scriptures, holy days, billions worship on Sunday and don’t know why. It is because Constantine worshiped the sun god, Priests, tithes, he killed and had thousands killed with the sword, and much more wickedness.   Constantine did all that and yet most historians say that Constantine the Great is more responsible for the spread of Christianity than any other man since Jesus Christ.
When you consider the impact that Constantine the great had on the history of the world in the founding of the Roman Catholic Church and establishing the pope in his seat of authority, then you will be able to understand that Constantine is the first beast spoke of in the book of Revelation chapter thirteen.   In the prophecy concerning the beast it says “he that kills with the sword must be killed with the sword, and he that leads into captivity must go into captivity, yet Constantine killed many with the sword.  Clearly Constantine was no man of God.  He defeated three other roman emperors in the name of Christianity to make the largest world religion “Christianity” and to deceive the world.  Constantine never lost.  “Who is like unto the beast, who is able to make war with him?”
Around 330 A.D. while preparing to go into battle, Constantine saw a vision of a cross, and a voice told him to fight under this symbol.  He won the battle and after that he accepted Christianity as a religion along with Roman Paganism to bring peace between the two religions in his empire.
Constantine had the first bibles compiled, fifty copies on fine vellum.  The Bishops he controlled that used these bibles were the beginning of the Catholic Church.
The beasts in the book of Revelation are evil earthly Kings.
This beast “Constantine” legalized Christianity. He did what Satan did in the garden through subtlety.  He brought Christianity down into the flesh (the wiles of the devil).
Jesus does not go into battle with swords.  He told Peter, “Put up your sword, they that live by the sword must die by the sword.”
Constantine was the leader of the known world at that time and his bishops set the standards for religious behavior for the next few hundred years.  Constantine is the man most responsible for the way the world is today.  The first beast has seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.  The Dragon gave him his power, his seat and great authority.  The heads, the Horns and the crowns are nations and Kingdoms.  Constantine ruled and influenced more of the world than any man in History.  He is the reason the western world is what it is today.  He is the reason Christianity is legal, and the cause of billions of so called Christians.
If you did his will and were obedient to the Pope, you were considered orthodox.  If you were of another religious belief or a Gnostic, they would label you a heretic and then boil you in oil or some other terrible punishment.
Orthodox Greek orthos “straight” and doxa “opinion” conforming to the usual beliefs or established doctrines, approved or conventional.
Heretic= Greek “hairesis” selecting a religious believe opposed to the official or established views.

Chapter Five - Galileo

Inquisition= the tribunal established in the thirteenth century for suppressing heresy and heretics.
The Italian astronomer Galileo gathered evidence that the earth revolved around the sun.  He was tried as a heretic in 1633 and sentenced to life in prison. He was sentenced to life in prison because of what the bible said.
 Galileo was sentenced to spend life in prison because of Constantine the sun god worshiper, and the Roman church that he founded, using the bible that his bishops used for their authority, supposedly from God.
Jesus sent the Holy Ghost to control us, not the bible; most of his people couldn’t even read.  The promise of God and the gift of God is the Holy Spirit. The men that sent Galileo to prison were controlled by the bible and the first beast.
They that are led by the spirit of God are the sons of God.  These Roman Catholic bishops were led by the bible and they were wrong.

Chapter Six - King James

Constantine the emperor of Rome in 330 A.D. had fifty copies of the bible compiled on fine vellum, the same twenty seven books of the New Testament that we have in our bibles today. Constantine was the first beast in Revelation chapter thirteen and he legalized Christianity.
King James is the second beast of revelation chapter thirteen. James is the man that authorized the bible. This is the mystery of 666 made known to the world now.
Here is wisdom, let him that hath understanding  count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is six hundred threescore and six.
Here is the mystery revealed: King James was born in June (the sixth month) of 1566. He was the first Stuart King of England.  He became James VI or 6th of Scotland in 1567 when his mother Mary, Queen of Scots, gave up the throne.  When his cousin Elizabeth I died, he became King James I of England.  He authorized the King James Version of the bible.
This second beast authorized an image of God’s word, a mark, and caused all both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond to receive this mark in their right hand or in their forehead.
King James born in 1566
King James VI (6th) of Scotland
King James Version of the bible has 66 books
The number of a man 666
You carry his mark in your hand when you go to church, or you have it memorized in your head.
More than two billion people in this world today are controlled by the mark of the beast. They are controlled by a dead fleshly image instead of the invisible living word of God; an image authorized by a man, authorized by a king (beast), a king named James.  James made this image so that he could be God’s voice on earth, instead of Jesus who gives us the living word of God.
Why do the presidents of the United States of America swear into office on the bible?  It is because they must take the mark of the beast so Satan can control them in the flesh.  If a President wouldn’t swear on the bible Satan wouldn’t let them rule.  There would be riots in the streets, and that president would be the most hated man in the world.  If they love God why can’t they make their oath on God, on the invisible God without using their visible icon?  It is because this icon is their god.  Without the bible they have no god and know nothing of God.
King James believed that kings received the right to rule from God, rather than from the consent of People.
Speaking about deceit and false Christ, below are listed some of the things the translators of the King James Version of the bible said about this beast (666).
“To the most high and mighty prince James, by the grace of God.  The King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, defender of the Faith.”
(The translators of the bible, wish grace, mercy, and peace, through Jesus Christ our Lord?)
They praised this evil king. They gave their praise to this man who gave us the mark of the beast so James could destroy any who dared to obey the living Jesus in the spirit, and would not come under James’ control.  They praised this beast who thought himself to be a divine person of God.  He exalted himself to be like the most High.  In the prophecy concerning the second beast it is said that he spoke like a dragon.  James said he spoke in the place of God.
This praise should have been reserved for Jesus, who died on the cross, and gave to us, in his name, the Holy Ghost.
And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death and his deadly wound was healed, and all the world marveled after the beast.”  This prophecy was Concerning Constantine’s part in the Catholic Church.
The Catholic Church was one of the heads of the beast.  This head of the beast was wounded as it were unto death when the protestant people began to get the bible for themselves.  It took away the authority the Catholic Church had over the people.  Now they had a Pope (bible) in their pocket or so the expression was back in that time.  They thought if they could read the bible which only the Catholic Priests were allowed to own or read that they would no longer need the Catholic Church, the Pope, or the Priests. They could read the bible for themselves now. They didn’t need anyone else telling them what it said.
King James saw this war between the churches under his rule, so he made them come together in agreement on a single bible. He authorized the King James Bible and it gave power back to the church, they once again had authority and their deadly wound was healed.
Wycliffe had translated a Bible into English so that the people could read it for themselves and not have to depend on some priest with a Latin bible to read to them and tell them what it said, according to the catholic churches’ doctrines, and thereby controlling them.
The Catholic Church Killed Wycliffe for translating the bible into English, but was still so angry about it that later they dug his body up from the grave and burned it.  They also killed William Tyndale, another Bible translator.  Martin Luther escaped to a safe place in Germany.  It was war against the Catholic Church to translate Bibles out of Latin into languages that the common man could understand and they persecuted anyone who tried.
King James made an image of God’s word.  “Have no graven images, of things, in, beneath, above the earth, or in heaven.”  Jesus came for the sole purpose of fulfilling the scriptures, and law to bring us a new covenant.  Jesus came as the word of God to fulfill the scriptures.  The people with the scriptures killed the word of God in the flesh and hung him on a cross.  Now they call the scriptures the word of God as if Jesus never came to fulfill them.  They have rejected the Holy Ghost to worship the law that no man could keep.
The bible gives men control over their god. They open the bible when they want, and make it say what they want.  Men with the Holy Ghost are controlled by God; they have to wait on God.
With King James making the bible legal for all, we now have more than 38,000 denominations, and more than 2.2 billion people that believe the bible teaches them truth, while all of them believe something different.  James exercised all the authority of the first beast.  He only had two horns like a lamb.  Unlike Constantine He didn’t rule many nations; he was king of England and Scotland. 
King James was a drunk and a known bisexual, so the history is about him.  Christian’s bibles tell them not to associate with homosexuals, and that they are reprobate, but if it wasn’t for a bisexual they wouldn’t have a bible.
Today there are more bibles in the world than there are people and the world only gets worse.

Chapter Seven - George Fox

Learn the Terror of the mark of the beast.
Now read the story of one of the greatest men in history since the Apostles.  This man would not take the mark of the beast; he believed in the inner light, he believed he was the temple of the Holy Ghost.
This man would not bow down to King James, the Church of England, or anyone else, but Jesus.
Honoring the new covenant that Jesus built with his blood, he knew that this covenant which is Christ in you worked inside of him, and he didn’t need a man or a church, or a bible.  George Fox believed that God would live in you talk with you and you could be the sons and daughters of God. We are the temple of God, and George fox knew it and lived it.
Constantine the first beast legalized Christianity.  The second beast was King James who authorized the bible.  The Church of England had authority from the bible to persecute Fox and his people.
Fox told one judge to quake at the word of God.  The judge called him a Quaker, and that’s how the Quakers got their name.
Remember that Constantine had fifty bibles compiled on fine vellum, but he did not authorize the bible.  It was King James that gave the Bible, or the Image of the first beast power to speak. He made the Image of God’s word talk.
How many times have you heard people say, “the bible says?”
Well, the image that King James made to talk did not control George Fox.  Fox was led by the inner light; he was led by the Holy Ghost.
People will hold the bible up in their hand and say, “this is my bible; I am what it says I am; I can do what it says I can do.”
In Fox’s time, people would say, “If you have a bible, it is like having the pope in your pocket.”
Fox would have none of that.  He knew that the letter kills, and that the image of God’s word, only says what you interpret it to say.  The spirit gave Fox his light.
Jesus did not die so we could have a book.  Rather He died so we could have the gift of God, the promise of God, God inside of you.  Jesus died so we could have the Holy Ghost.
If the bible is the word of God then Satan has the word of God.
Fox was sent to prison for several years, for keeping the new covenant, Christ in you.  Satan will not let anyone live with the Holy Ghost.  Satan can’t control the Holy Ghost; the Holy Ghost is the only thing on earth that he cannot control.
The Quakers also known as the friends go back to the 1650’s in England. They were considered unconventional because they affirm the inner light, the spiritual nerve center that God has put in all of us.  They rejected the validity of the clergy, liturgy and sacraments.  They had silent worship meetings and spoke only when inspired.  Every person can have this inner light and all people are equal.
Their challenges and victories started when George Fox (1624- 1691), who was a British seeker of spiritual truth and peace, couldn’t find what he was looking for in the churches of his time.  He did find what he was seeking in a personal relationship with Christ:  “when all my hopes in churches were gone, I heard a voice that spoke” it is the inner voice, or inner light, based on the same principle of John 1:9 the true light, which lights every man that comes into the world.  A voice available to everyone, and has nothing to do with ceremonies, rituals, or creeds. Every person is a walking church and every heart is God’s altar and Shrine.
Quakerism was treated as revolutionary by the state church of England. To say the state and Church were wrong and that their theology was nothing and that you didn’t need to go to church to find God, that it was wrong to pay taxes for the state church clergy’s support was considered rebellion.
Fox and his early followers went even further.  They not only refused to go to church, but they also insisted on freedom of speech, and assembly, and worship.  They would not take oaths in court; they refused to go to war; they doffed their hats to no one, king or commoner; they made no distinction in sex or social class; they condemned slavery and England’s treatment of prisoners, and the insane.  The very names they adopted, Children of Truth, Children of Light, Friends of Truth, aroused ridicule and fierce opposition.  When Fox hauled into court advised one judge to “tremble at the word of the Lord,” he heard the judge call him a “Quaker.”  Derision was not enough to stop the friends, so persecution unsheathed its sword.
Quakers were whipped, jailed, tortured, mutilated, and murdered.  Fox spent six years in jail; others spent decades, even dying there.
From 1650 until 1689, more than 3,000 suffered for conscience’s sake, and 300 to 400 died in prison.  Thanks to that persecution, the group grew, and the religious Society of Friends was founded in 1652.  When George Fox died, Quakers numbered 50,000.
Some were already in America, Ann Austin, and Mary Fisher arrived in Massachusetts from Barbados in 1656; they were promptly accused of being witches and were deported.  Two days later eight more Friends arrived from England.  Hastily, laws were passed to keep them out; the whipping post worked overtime, but failed.  Four were hanged in Boston, but Quakers kept coming into New England, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Virginia, and Pennsylvania.  Road Island and Pennsylvania welcomed them from the beginning, and the long horror in the communities that did not welcome them ended with the passage of the toleration act of 1689.
With that law and Fox’s death, a new phase began.  Persecution waned and died; Quakers settled down to business and farming, were known for their pacifism and honesty, and became quite prosperous.
The inner light is highly important.  Friends believe that grace, the power from God to help human kind resist evil, is universal among all people.  They seek not holiness but perfection, a higher, more spiritual standard of life for both society and the individual, and they believe that the truth is unfolding and continuing. They value the bible highly as history but prefer to rely on the fresh individual guidance from the spirit of God, which produced the content of the bible, rather than follow only what has been revealed to others.  Some modern groups accept the bible as the final authority in all religious matters.
They believe supremely in the nearness of God to the human soul, in direct intercourse and immediate communion, in mystical experience in a firsthand discovery of God.  It means and involves a sensitiveness to the wider spiritual life above us around us and within us, a dedication to duty, a passion for truth, and an appreciation for goodness, and eagerness to let love and the grace of God come freely through one’s own life, a reverence for the will of God wherever it is revealed in past or present, and a high faith that Christ is a living present and a life giving energy always within reach of the receptive soul.
The end of The George Fox story is so very sad.
All of his followers that live in this world today have taken the mark of the beast, or don’t even really believe in Jesus anymore, but in some new age type of belief.
Revelation chapter twelve; The woman that fled into the wilderness for a time, times and a half time, from the face of the serpent, but the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood.
This flood was people, bible worshipers that covered the new world.
Satan sent a flood of people that resist the Holy Ghost.  “Stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears.”  They destroyed all of George Fox’s people.  Today you never hear of a Quaker dying for their faith.  George Fox must be frowning down on them from heaven.
Apostle Paul wrote; “if after the manner of men I have fought with beasts at Ephesus, what advantageth it me.”  Fox fought with beasts in England.  He and his brethren gave their lives for a life in Christ.  While today his followers bow down to the very image of the beast he fought against; King James and his image of God’s word, his bible.  They don’t have the word in their hearts anymore like Fox had.  They have it in the hand or in the head, 666.
King James born 6/1566
King James VI (6th) of Scotland
King James authorized a bible that now has 66 books in it to usurp God’s authority,
Jesus’ voice will be heard again in the land.
The sons of God will be manifested.
Satan cannot stop the regenerated seed of Christ.  He will live again in his people.

Chapter Eight - The Azusa Street Revival

The spark that started the Azusa Street Revival and the following Pentecostal movement actually began when a thirty year old woman, Agnes Osman received the baptism of the Holy Spirit in Topeka, Kansas on January 1, 1901.  Of course Satan was quick to take action by turning this spiritual happening into bible dogma and in so doing cut off Jesus’ voice by replacing it with the bible so he could maintain control over the people with bible religion instead of Jesus controlling them in the Spirit.
Parham made a doctrine of speaking in tongues and went about to teach others.
William Seymour, who started humbly in the spirit, was soon caught away with this bible teaching and in so doing the fire on Azusa Street went out, as he also left the Spirit for the letter that kills.
Almost all Pentecostal churches can trace their history back to Azusa Street (especially in America).  The Pentecostal movement was one of the largest in the world, next to the Roman Catholic Church.
This was Jesus last effort to bring his Kingdom on earth back under his control, which in this case was a colossal failure.  Jesus controls his church by the anointing and not by bibles.
If you read the history of Azusa and look at the pictures from that time you will see a picture of the leader William Seymour standing with a bible in his hand.  They have the mark of the beast in their hand or in their head.
The bible is only a history book, not the word of God.  In fact if Satan is using the bible then it is the word of Satan. Jesus is the word of God and He speaks to us by the Spirit.  Satan can’t use the Holy Ghost, so he authorized a word that he can use.
Reverend Charles F Parham, another leader of the Azusa Street Revival was arrested and charged in the commission of an unnatural offense.  It was in the San Antonio Light Newspaper on July 20th, 1907.  Officially Parham was charged with homosexuality.  The founder of the Pentecostal Church was a homosexual hiding behind the bible.
 Not long ago in Colorado Springs, there was a homosexual that headed a church with a membership of 14,000 hiding behind the bible.  He preached against homosexual behavior, but practiced it himself. He was there for many years.  When he was using the bible, was it the word of God?  Can Satan use the word of God?  Remember the word of God is spiritual, the letter kills.
(To be a true Christian there is only one requirement, one must be filled with and led by the Holy Spirit and must not be controlled by the flesh, it matters not what race, gender or other physical characteristic they may have, but bible worshippers are homophobic so the above examples are to show their hypocrisy, not to denigrate anyone)
Many Pentecostal preachers preach the bible literally as the infallible, inerrant, living word of God. And using the book of Job many of them preached this message: Job 22:28 “Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee.”  This was spoken by Eliphaz the Temanite.  If you look in Chapter 42:7, the Lord said to Eliphaz the Temanite.  “My wrath is kindled against thee for you have not spoken of me the thing that is right.”
 THE BLIND LEADING THE BLIND. The Rev. Charles Parham an accused homosexual, teaching William Seymour the bible, started a Great revival. Why wasn’t there any persecution or bloodshed?  Did they get the Holy Ghost just to speak in tongues?
John the Baptist filled with the Holy Ghost got his head cut off.  Stephen filled with the Holy Ghost was stoned to death.  James was killed by the sword.  Peter, John and Paul were beaten and put in prison.  In 1650, George Fox was sentenced to prison and hundreds of his people died in Prison.  They hanged four of them in Boston; they were all filled with the spirit. But in the Azusa street revival, not one martyr?
You cannot serve two Gods, the bible and the Spirit.  It’s so easy to serve what you can see.  With the spirit you must feel after him with your soul and obey God who will not let you do your own will after the flesh.  Constantine and King James compiled and authorized the bible, but Jesus gave us the Holy Ghost.
Azusa Street and the Pentecostal folks went about to establish their own righteousness with the bible.  “Search the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life, and they are they that Testify of Me, and you will not come to me that you may have life.”
If you doubt what you read, try this test.  Take the bible to a bar, a church, a police station, or a court house and tear it up. Soon, you will have your answer.
Rushdie said that the Koran was satanic verses, and the Muslims put a two million dollar hit on him.  He had to hide out for years.
So Satan took this device, the bible and destroyed Azusa Street in three years, and then built hundreds of Pentecostal churches.  His weapon was carnal, the bible.  A True Christian’s weapon is the spirit.
There is not a man on earth that can describe the difference between God and the Holy Ghost.  The spirit, the word and the Father are one.  One writer spoke of seven spirits of God, before his throne.
The Holy Ghost comes to lead, teach, comfort, and to make intercession for us.  Not just to speak in tongues.  He comes to regenerate us into sons and daughters of God.
Azusa Street and other Pentecostals used their doctrine about the Holy Ghost to try to make themselves righteous and in so doing lifted themselves up to heaven in their minds, but instead they have been brought down into the flesh.  They went about to establish their own righteousness and failed.
If you visit a prison and ask the inmates to indicate by the raising of their hands how many Pentecostals there are? You will be surprised to see more Pentecostals than Baptists.  You’ll find Azusa Street people who are murderers, rapists, liars, homosexuals, with sexual diseases and crooks of all kinds.
Azusa Street was a Failure because they took the mark of the beast, which brought them back into the flesh, instead of staying with the spirit and staying connected to God through his son Jesus by the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Of course they didn’t understand what quenched the Spirit because they were blinded by Satan using the bible to divert their minds away from the Spirit of God and back into the flesh where Satan rules.
During the Azusa Street Revival a man seeking the baptism of the Holy Ghost had a vision.  In the vision Charles Mason saw himself standing alone with a dry roll of paper in his mouth trying to swallow it and while he was looking up toward the heavens, a man appeared at his side and he at once turned his eyes.  Mason then awoke from the vision.
God was trying to show him to look to Him (God) in the spirit rather than trying to eat the dead letter (dry roll of paper).  He got the interpretation half right, the part about looking to the heavens (spirit) where Jesus is, but he got the part about the dry roll of paper wrong, and took the mark of the beast for the word of God instead of Jesus who is the true and living word of God.  You will never find God in the bible, he is in the spirit.  You can learn about him from the bible, but you can never know him that way.
Of course the man didn’t know this and like everyone else, Charles Mason was deceived.
Can you see now how the bible has up to this point stopped every Holy Ghost movement of God?

Chapter Nine - Shreveport Louisiana/The Bible is an Idol

In the spring of 1970 in Shreveport, Louisiana, a Pentecostal tent meeting was in progress when the spirit of God spoke to a young man “The bible is an Idol.”
Later in the evening service, this young man held a bible up in his hand for the entire congregation to see, and while explaining what the spirit had told him, he proceeded to tear the bible to shreds.  He did this to show his loyalty to the living God.  He barely escaped with his life as he ran into the night to flee the city.  The spirit then told him, “You tore up and destroyed their god.”
Shreveport like all of America has a paper God.
This man went on to live a long life and to prove many things.  One of them being that you cannot have faith in what you can see.  “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”   “For we are saved by hope, but hope that is seen is not hope.  For what a man sees, why does he yet hope for?”  “ No man can say that Jesus is the Lord but by the Holy Ghost.”  A bible doesn’t fit in that equation.
You can read the book of Mormon and become a Mormon.  You can read the Koran and become a Muslim.  You can read a bible and become a Baptist, or a Pentecostal, but to become a Christian you must be anointed by the spirit of the living God.
Using the bible from the book of Daniel, Miller said that Jesus would return to earth in 1843 and then he said it would happen in 1844.  It was called the great disappointment.  Many people will be disappointed trying to depend on what they can see.  I believe Miller’s followers eventually became Seventh Day Adventist’s and other splinter groups.
Some take up serpents (handle snakes) in their services, and more than a hundred have died in so doing.  You can make the bible say just about anything you want it to say.  There are two covenants in the bible that are at odds with each other.  One was to be followed in the flesh until the seed would come, and the new covenant is in the spirit and not the law.  Having two opposing Covenants and calling them both the word of God will do nothing but make your head spin.
Some use the bible and pray to the old saints, and the Virgin Mary. Being controlled by the bible, you can become a snake handler, a deceiver, an idol worshipper, a pedophile, a Murderer, or any number of other things, but never a Christian. Only Jesus through the Holy Ghost can make you a Christian.
One of the strangest, most profound and probably the most evaded chapters in the bible is in the book of revelation, chapter ten.  Why?  The mark of the beast, that’s why.
Now we begin, Chapter Ten, the book of Revelation, only eleven verses long.
And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven clothed with a cloud, and a rainbow was upon his head and his face was as it were the sun and his feet as pillars of fire.
And he had in his hand a little book open, and he set his right foot upon the sea and his left foot on the earth.
And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth, and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices.
And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write, and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, seal up these things which the seven thunders uttered and write them not.
And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven.
And Swear by him that liveth forever and ever, who created heaven and the things that therein are and the earth and the things that therein are and the sea and the things that are therein.  That there should be time no longer, but in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound; the mystery of God should be finished as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.
And the voice which I heard from heaven spake unto me again and said go take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel which standeth upon the sea and upon the earth.
And I went unto the angel and said unto him, give me the little book and he said unto me, take it and eat it up and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth as sweet as honey.  And I took the little book out of the angels hand and ate it up.  And it was in my mouth sweet as honey, and soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter.
And he said unto me, thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.
What did the seven thunders say?  They said something along the lines of the bible is the mark of the beast that it will be used to deceive the world.
Think about it, people go to church every Sunday with faith in a book that has 66 books in it, authorized by a man born in 1566 King James the VI (6th) from Scotland.
Today people are eating this book up and they are going to be bitter.  Jesus said, eat my flesh and drink my blood, not a book.  Out of your belly shall flow living water, not dead letter.  The letter kills, but the spirit gives life.
In the book of Ezekiel, the end of chapter two and the first part of chapter three, he was told to eat the scroll.  It was sweet as honey in his mouth.  Why didn’t it make his belly bitter?  He wasn’t made bitter because Ezekiel lived under the Old covenant when all scripture was given by inspiration of God to his generation.
If a book (the law) could have brought life, then Jesus would not have had to come as the final sacrifice to bleed and die on the cross.  For the law made nothing perfect.
For if that first covenant had been faultless, then no place should have been sought for the second covenant.  For finding fault with them he said. Behold the days will come, saith the lord when I will make a new covenant with the House of Israel.
Satan could not overcome the Holy Ghost, so he deceived everyone putting them back under the old covenant.  Today people believe that all scriptures are given by inspiration of God.  That was true under the old covenant but not under the new where the laws of God are not written in INK or in Stone but in our hearts by the spirit. Now we live in that New and better covenant. The Old covenant is fulfilled.  “And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.”
 In the book of Revelation: Come up hither, and I will show you things which must be hereafter.
At least seven chapters in the revelation talk about the mark of the beast.
Chapter Ten: Eat the little book and your belly will be bitter. Revelation 8:11 and many men died of the waters because they were made bitter.
Chapter thirteen: Count the number of the beast for it is 666, King James.
Chapter fourteen:  If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark (the bible) in his head or in his hand.  He shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God; they shall be tormented with fire and brimstone, and have no rest day or night forever.
Chapter fifteen:  And them that had gotten victory over the beast and over his image and over his mark and over the number of his name.  Stand on the sea of Glass having the harps of God.
Chapter sixteen:  And the first angel went and poured out his vial upon the earth, and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast and upon them which worshipped his image.
Chapter nineteen:  And the beast was taken and with him the false prophet, which deceived them that had received the mark of the beast and them that worshipped his image.  These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.
Chapter twenty:  And I saw thrones and they that sat upon them and judgment was given unto them:  and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

Chapter Ten - Intercourse

Intercourse:  communication or dealings between or among people countries, etc.         
Inter:  with or on each other: interact.
Course:  an onward movement- a way, path or channel- the directions taken.
1John 3:9 Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin: for his seed remains in him and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.
SEED:  The part of a person, plant or animal containing the embryo from which a new life can grow. The source of anything.
Before you can be born your father must plant a seed in your mother, then and only then can a new life be born. 
Before you can be born again you must have spiritual intercourse (not sexual) with Jesus. You must be born again.  He is the bridegroom and we are his bride.
You cannot have spiritual intercourse through the bible.  The bible is the dead letter and the letter kills, but the spirit gives life.
Remember that the law was only given until the seed would come.
When Eve had intercourse with the serpent and gave to her husband, she and Adam became born of Satan.  They had received the serpent’s seed in their souls. Then God said unto the serpent, “thou art cursed and I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed: it shall bruise thy head and thou shall bruise his heel.”
So there was intercourse, an interaction between the woman and Satan.
To be born again, we must have spiritual intercourse (not sexual) with Jesus. We must have an interaction.  You cannot read a bible and be regenerated.  You must have a seed planted in your soul, seed’s only come from living things, and only the living can reproduce.
Regeneration is to be spiritually reborn, renewed or restored, to cause to be completely reformed, to bring into existence again, to form again or be made anew.
In Mathew Chapter nineteen verse twenty eight it reads, “And Jesus said unto them, verily I say unto you, that ye which have followed me in the regeneration when the son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones Judging the twelve tribes of Israel.”
Again in Titus 3:5 it stated how important regeneration is.  “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy.  He saved us by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost.”
Jesus went forth to sow spiritual Holy Ghost seeds in the hearts of people.  Many did not want his seed. Jesus has to plant a seed in you of the word of God, of the Holy Ghost.  This is the everlasting seed that will save you, renew you, and regenerate you.  Once you were born of Adam’s seed in pain and into death, but now by the word of God and the bridegroom, who is Jesus, you can be Jesus’ bride and he will plant his seed in you of the Holy Ghost.  That is when you can pass on from Adams’ seed to the seed of Jesus.  Jesus said you must be born again.  Clearly this proves that we are first born as sinners and have need to be reborn of God.
   Greek sperma (seed).
Jesus said, these words I speak are spirit and they are life.  I am the way and the life.  Life is in the seed.  He is the second man Adam, a Holy seed sent from God to reconcile man back to the Father not a fleshly earthly seed, but a Holy Spirit Seed. 
For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosever will receive his Holy Spirit seed shall have eternal life.
You cannot have living interaction with a bible.  The bible is not the living word of God; Jesus is the bridegroom that will give the bride the living word of God.  The words recorded in the bible were alive once when they were spoken, but now they are just a recorded history of what was said and done.  They are become a dead letter that say only what a person interprets them to say, at which time becomes the word of the person speaking them and not God’s living Word (Jesus).              
Luke8:10 (a sower went forth to sow) “And he said unto them, unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God:  but to others in parables, that seeing they might not see, and hearing they might not understand.
Now the parable is this, The SEED IS THE WORD OF GOD.  That is; they which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God, but the children of the promise are counted for the seed.
Wherefore then serves the law?  It was added because of transgressions, till the SEED should come, to whom the promise was made.
Being born again, not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible, by the word of God which liveth and abideth forever. Jesus was born of the Holy Ghost. Jesus brought the new seed.  Jesus brings us the word of God.         
“And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, read the tenth chapter of Revelation.  John ate the little book, and in his mouth it was sweet as honey, but in his belly it was bitter.  If you eat it as the word of God your belly will be bitter too.  John was told to eat it so that he could prophesy about the danger in so doing.  If you eat it, then according to the prophecy, you are in danger of eternal damnation.  Don’t eat it! In other words DO NOT HAVE FAITH IN THE BIBLE.               
Search the scriptures, in them you think you have eternal life, but you will not come to me that you may have life.  You must KNOW Jesus in the Spirit and receive the seed (word) of the spirit.
On the day of Pentecost, about 120 people received the spiritual seed of Jesus.  The Holy Spirit seed was poured out, and they were born again.
They were walking, talking temples of God, filled with the Holy Ghost.
You cannot get this seed from the bible, they had no book.
Someday, and this happens to all, your spirit will leave your body.  You will feel better than ever before.  You may reach for your car keys and your hand will pass through the table.  Then when you look back to see your body still asleep in the bed, you will realize that you have left your body.
Many people go into the spirit world and don’t realize they are dead, some who are killed in car wrecks simply go back home.  You would be surprised at how many haunted houses there are.
Many spirits that depart the body do not want to go to the light.  Their treasures are on earth.  Others know that their deeds were evil and therefore are afraid to go to the light.
Please do not leave this world without the seed of Christ in you.  If you do, Satan is waiting for you forever.  If you visit a graveyard at night you may see some of Satan’s spirits as they dart between tombstones, they are called shadow spirits and they control the serpent’s seed. Shadow spirits control the seed that was never born again.
Today you have the opportunity to repent, live after the spirit and not after the flesh.  After you leave the flesh body, you cannot change, you are all spirit then.  You will stand before the Father of Spirits as you are.
And they stoned Stephen as he called upon God saying, “Lord Jesus Receive my spirit.”
“And Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said: Father, into thy hands, I commend my spirit, and having said this, he gave up the ghost.”
The bible will not make you a child of God, only the seed will do that.
Once while praying I was taken into the spirit and a door to heaven opened.  I could see the stars even though it was midday.  There were three levels. Jesus was in the third heaven (top level), and on the bottom (first level) were some preachers, A.A Allen, William Branham, Billy Sunday, Gypsy Smith, etc. about seven or eight preachers in total.  These preachers were all looking up to heaven through the door that Jesus had opened.  They wanted to hear what Jesus said.  I had been preaching that the bible is an Idol and I asked them why they hadn’t taken a stand when they were on earth.  They didn’t want to talk to me because they had caused many to take the mark of the beast and now they were in trouble.
They thought that when they left their bodies that they were going to walk on streets of gold, but now they were in prison.  They had eaten the little book and now they were bitter.  They were so bitter they wouldn’t talk to me.
When they were on earth, they were very popular and were millionaires, but on the other side they were bitter, and after what Jesus was about to tell me they were even bitterer.
Jesus then spoke, “The sons of God will be manifested.”  And “My voice will be heard again in the land.”
These preachers had not spoken Jesus’ word, and they were not sons of God as they had believed.  They had eaten the little book instead of the spirit of the living God, and it left them bitter.
Then in 1986 my wife had a night vision and in this vision there were many chambers.  In these chambers were various little groups of preachers wearing dingy looking white tunics.  The preachers were oblivious to what was going on in a nearby chamber.  They appeared to be modern day evangelists.  People like Jimmy Swaggart, Oral Roberts, Kenneth Copeland, David Terrel, Jim Bakker, Joel Osteen, Benny Hinn and the sort.
Meanwhile in a nearby chamber lying on a cot was the Lord Jesus feeling ill because these preachers were not interested in him or in hearing his voice, and not interested in what his will was.  They were only interested in what they wanted.  Money, power, fame, and the pleasures that their ministries brought them while using Jesus’ name from the bible.
Jesus had tried for many years to get them to come back to Him, but they were spiritually deaf and blinded by their greed and self-righteousness.  When Jesus finally gave up on these preachers, He vomited them out of his mouth and turned them over to their own corrupt minds.
Now, as is well known they preach only a gospel of prosperity and earthly gain to line their own pockets to make themselves rich and popular.  They preach tithes and offerings to consume it upon their lusts.  They preach about an afterlife with mansions and streets of gold, using the scriptures they tell people that they must tithe and give offerings to them so that they can preach the gospel while they spread their false doctrines and live sumptuously. Tithing was under the old covenant.  These men use the mark of the beast to get gain.
Oral Roberts searched the scriptures until he finally found the one he wanted.  3John 2 “I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.”  This one word “prosper” is the only word that stands out to these preachers and has spread like wildfire amongst them and their greedy followers.  They left the seed of Christ for the serpent’s seed. 

1Timothy 6:10 “for the love of money is the root of all evil:  while some coveted after they have erred from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”
The money system was created by Satan to control people in the flesh.  It all started with some of Satan’s rulers like Caesar.  Without money you cannot buy or sell to get the things you need.  Satan won’t let you be wealthy if you don’t take the mark of the beast.
The reason the love of money is the root of all evil is because it buys what the flesh lusts after.  Money gives you power to buy the things you lust after; fame, power and any other worldly sin your heart desires.
As stated in 2Timothy 4:3-4 for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears: And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
You cannot serve God and mammon.  When they went after mammon (riches) they lost their place with Christ.  They use the mark of the beast to rake in these riches and fulfill the lust of the flesh.
On the flip side of this coin, sometimes in the past preachers would teach poverty as if it were a sign of holiness.  Preachers were trying to establish their own righteousness from the Bible.
Only the seed of Christ the Holy Spirit of God is righteous and only when Christ’s seed abides in you are you clean.  You are not clean by what you believe or do not believe, but it is the seed that matters and the seed that makes you clean.  It is the seed that is all important.  Even if you know the truth and believe it, the truth will not benefit you if you don’t abide in the vine.  You cannot be saved unless Jesus who is the seed of God abides in you by the Holy Ghost and makes you his child.  You must be reborn by the seed of Jesus. He is the groom that will plant the seed of the Father in you.  You cannot come another way.
Believing you have the spirit, claiming you have the spirit, or reading in the bible about the spirit, doesn’t mean that you have the spirit abiding in you. And just because you speak in tongues doesn’t mean you have the spirit.  In most churches, all the tongues sound the same; they aren’t real tongues but are just learned gibberish.  Satan deceives by emulation.  If you can’t have a relationship with Jesus without the bible, then you don’t have a relationship with him, and you don’t know him.  Under the new covenant the bible is nothing more than history about what God did in the past.
Jesus is alive today, He is resurrected and he has a voice.  Jesus has a living voice and He is a living king of a living army.  Jesus will lead us and guide us through the Holy Ghost. If you don’t hear his voice then you can’t have faith.  If you have faith in the bible then you are stealing someone else’s faith from history and their faith will fail you because it isn’t your faith. 
   When it comes down to it, you will realize that you aren’t like the people you read about, you only imagine that you are like them. If you are looking for security in the flesh then you are not born of the spirit.  You do not have the seed of Christ in you.  You are still carnal, still fleshly, still born of the serpent’s seed and you have to take the mark of the beast to think you have a word from God.  You can’t depend on the invisible spirit of God because He will only reveal himself to those that love him.  Needing a bible to know about him proves that He has not revealed himself to you.  God is a spirit and you can only love and know him in the spirit.
You have created an image of God in your mind from the bible and you love this image you have created of him.  You have created him to be just the way you want him to be.  He has to do what you tell him to do because the bible says so.  How many times have you said “but Lord, you said in your word” Jesus hates that. You have to listen to him in the spirit.  You can’t tell him what to do.  You have created the mark of the beast.  Now all you have to do is just buy a five dollar book about God and make it say whatever you want, you don’t love the real Jesus, you can’t hear him.  You know if you did hear him you would have to give up your will in the flesh and that it would bring persecution to you.  You don’t want to suffer like Jesus did, and like all those who follow him do.
Now about a very religious Pentecostal woman, the spirit of God said, “She doesn’t love me.  She is just religious.”  You can be sure that God knows, He sees the depths of all hearts and is not fooled by people with bibles and religious sounding words.  God can see right through the mark of the beast.
The way to overcome the mark of the beast is to give up your life after the flesh.  Repent and ask Jesus to fill you with his spirit and give you a life after the spirit.
(God will provide for the needs of your body like food, shelter, clothes and companionship (sex) according to His will, but He will not supply for the lust and you must be willing to obey Him even if it costs you everything in this life.)
“What shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” He must give up his life after the flesh in exchange for a life in the spirit.  He must be led and controlled by the living and resurrected son of God, Jesus Christ who is the word of God.  He is not in a book, he is a quickening spirit that has a voice and by his voice alone can someone have faith.
Without the voice of Jesus it is impossible to please God.  Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of GodHear the voice of Jesus.  Let Jesus lead you by the Holy Ghost in all things.  Let Jesus be all you have faith in, it is the only way to please God and it is the only antidote to overcome the mark of the beast.
Remember that if it were possible even the elect would be deceived.
There is hope but only through the real and living Christ.

These are the foundation teachings that God wrote in my heart by His Spirit with lightening from heaven.   The foundation is also mentioned in Mathew 7:24-27 and Hebrews 6:1-3
There are eight stones in the foundation.
Stone One = Jesus the Christ, the chief corner stone. (The anointed one by God to be savior and King.)  Luke 4:18-19
Stone Two = Repent Change to God’s ways (Change from living after the flesh to living after the spirit.)  John 3:3, Acts 11:15-18
Stone Three = Faith toward God (Faith is trusting in the spirit of the invisible God and what he tells you by the Holy Ghost) 2nd Corinthians 5:7, Hebrews 11:27
Stone Four = Baptism in water (Your funeral day, you give up your life after the flesh as Jesus gave up his.  That is why we are baptized in Jesus name.  He is the one that died for us.) Romans 6:3-11, Colossians 2:12
Stone Five = Baptism in the Spirit of God (When you are filled with the Holy Spirit is when you are born again.) Romans 8:9, 1Corinthians 12:3, 2Corinthians 5:16, Acts 2:17
Stone Six = God lives in and uses your body (lying on of hands) Body becomes the temple of God, (Your life is no longer your own, God uses your body, hands mouth etc.) Mark 16:18,
 1st Corinthians 12:7-11
Stone Seven =   Resurrection of the dead (Without the resurrection there is no hope.)
1st Corinthians 15:1-50
Stone Eight = Eternal judgment (We can repent now while we are still in the body, but eternal judgment will be forever so be careful how you live while in the body.)

Chapter Twelve -A Brief History of Mankind

1.            The Creation of Adam and Eve in the garden.
    Genesis chapters 1 & 2
    Adam and Eve were like angels (spirits) but in earthly bodies.  They knew only what God told them.  They had no evil in their hearts or minds; they were innocent and pure like babies.  That’s why they could walk around naked and not be ashamed.  God would walk and talk with them in the cool of the day.
2.            The fall into sin.
   Genesis 3
   Lucifer entered the serpent and beguiled Eve and Adam into obeying him instead of God.  When their eyes were opened they became godlike animals (beasts) and started living after the flesh, killing, hating, greed, etc. and God cursed them.  Genesis 3:15 I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed, (note- there are two seeds now) Lucifer’s seed and God’s seed.  In the time to come the seed that God plants in the Virgin Mary (the woman’s seed) is Jesus.  Without God’s seed (Jesus) we cannot get back to God and would be forever lost, separated from God.
3.            Abraham the father of faith
   Genesis 22:18
   Abraham believed in the invisible God and whatever God told him (that is what faith is).  God promised him a son, Isaac, Isaac being the son of promise. 
Ishmael was a son by the flesh and not the son of the promise; he was the son of Abraham and Sarah’s Egyptian maid.  Ishmael’s children are who we now know as Arabs, Palestinians, Moslem’s etc.  Isaac is the father of Jacob and Jacob is the father of twelve sons, who became the twelve tribes of Israel.  Joseph is one of Jacob’s sons.  He was sold by his brothers into Egypt as a slave.  Joseph later became second in charge in Egypt.  When a famine came upon the land Jacob and his other sons and family came to Egypt for corn.
4.            After many years the Jews became slaves in Egypt.
   Then after about four hundred and thirty years in Egypt, God sent Moses to deliver his people.  They crossed the Red Sea on dry land into the wilderness where God gave them the law and they made the Tabernacle where the Ark of the Covenant was placed in the Holy Place behind a veil and God would come down once a year and talk to the High Priest.
   After forty years, they crossed the river of Jordan into the promised land (Israel) King David wanted to build a temple for God, David said that he lived in a great house while his God was in a tent (tabernacle).  God wouldn’t let David build it because he had spilled so much blood so Solomon built the temple.  The Ark of the Covenant was placed into the Holiest of all behind the veil in the Temple.  The Temple was built and destroyed, rebuilt, then once again restored by Herod.  The law was given as a schoolmaster; it was given as a guide until the seed which is Jesus would come.
5.            Jesus is the seed of God and the sacrifice for our sins; He is also the high Priest.
   Jesus fulfilled the law and then began the new covenant. The new covenant is God in us by the Holy Ghost. Now we are the temple of God.
The old Jewish temple of God was once again destroyed just as Jesus said it would be.  It was destroyed about forty years after Jesus was crucified around 70 A.D. by the Roman Army to never be rebuilt again.  Israel was scattered and no longer a country until 1948.     
6.            Around 330 A.D Roman Emperor Constantine
   Constantine was getting ready to go into battle when he said he saw a vision of a cross and a voice told him to fight under this symbol.  He won the battle and after that he accepted Christianity as a religion along with roman paganism to bring peace between the two religions in his empire.  He had fifty copies of the first bibles compiled on fine vellum and the bishops he controlled that used these bibles were the beginning of the Catholic Church.
7.            Protestants in the 1400’s and 1500’s
   Protestants started translating bibles into their own languages and broke away from the Catholic Church.  The first printed book was the Gutenberg (German) bible, March 22, 1457.
   King James the 6th of Scotland became King James the 1st of England in 1603.  He was born 1566 and sponsored a translation of the bible in 1611 that is now known as the King James Version that now contains 66 books.
8.            The Pentecostals
   The largest part of the Pentecostal movement in the U.S. began on January 1, 1901 in Topeka, Kansas when a group of people were praying and a woman was filled with the Holy Ghost.  After that, it spread to California where William Seymour conducted meetings in an old building.  People came from all over to get a flame of fire of the Holy Ghost, and then go out and start their own churches.
9.            The quenching of the Holy Spirit.
   The movement of the Holy Spirit started dying out as people went back under the law (dead letter) like the Galatians.  Pentecostals started saying the bible was the word of God for authority in the place of Jesus who is the living word of God.  Under the new covenant Jesus speaks to us by the Holy Ghost, not the scriptures, now the laws of God are written in our hearts and minds by His Spirit, not in a book.

Chapter Thirteen - NOTES

A Note about Timothy:
Paul took and circumcised him because of the Jews; his father was a Greek and his mother a Jew. To the Jews I became as a Jew that I might gain the Jews. Paul said if you be circumcised Christ shall profit you nothing. Timothy had lived under both covenants, the Holy Scriptures and the Holy Ghost. The gentiles had never been under the Holy Scriptures. All scriptures are given by inspiration of God and they are profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction and instructions. Son Timothy, Holy Scriptures were a school master until Christ, but they will not redeem you or give you the gift of the Holy Spirit or make you a part of the resurrection. 1 Timothy 4:14 Neglect not the gift that is in you. 2 Timothy 1:6 Stir up the gift of God which is in you. 2 Timothy 1:14 The Holy Ghost which dwells in us. Timothy was a man who had lived under two covenants, the Holy Scriptures (law), and the Holy Ghost (grace).
Constantine the Great, one of the most unscrupulous yet influential individuals ever, murdered his oldest son, traded his sister to a pagan rival, and choked his wife to death in the bath.  Yet most historians say Constantine is more responsible for the spread of Christianity than any man since Jesus Christ.
King James
James was the name of two kings of England and Scotland and of five Kings of Scotland, all belonged to the House of Stuart.
James 1st (1566-1625) was the first Stuart King of England. He became James the 6th of Scotland in 1567 when his mother Mary, Queen of Scots, gave up the throne.  When his cousin Elizabeth 1st died, he became King James 1st of England in 1603, and ruled both England and Scotland until his death.  His son Charles 1st succeeded him.
King James believed in the divine right of Kings, the belief that kings get the right to rule from God, rather than from the consent of people.  He set up a strong government in Scotland, but the English Parliament opposed his attempt to rule as absolute monarch in England.  This dispute over who should have power continued under Charles 1st and led to the English civil war in 1642
James supported the Anglican Church and sponsored a translation of the bible in 1611 that is now known as the King James Version.  However, he persecuted certain protestant groups such as the Puritans.  Some puritans migrated to America in 1620 and founded the Plymouth Colony.
Jamestown, the first permanent English settlement in America was named in his honor, but James showed an interest in colonies only in Northern Ireland, where he seized land from Irish Catholics and gave it to English and Scottish Protestants.

King James was actually Queen James.
It is a proven fact that King James was bi-sexual, original love letters that he wrote to his male lovers still exist in the National Library of Scotland and the British Library. King James is buried between two of his favorite male lovers in Westminster Abbey. God would never use such a person to authorize His word, but Satan would. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to guide us, not a book that Satan can and does use.
The following is from the editorial pages of the Queen James Bible:
It is available on their web site and on amazon.

Who is Queen James?
The King James Bible is the most popular Bible of all time, and arguably the most important English language document of all time. The brainchild and namesake of King James I, who wanted an English language Bible that all could own and read, it has been in print for over 400 years and has brought more people to Christ than any other Bible translation. Commonly known to biographers but often surprising to most Christians, King James I was a well-known bisexual. Though he did marry a woman, his many gay relationships were so well-known that amongst some of his friends and court, he was known as “Queen James.” It is in his great debt and honor that we name The Queen James Bible so.
Editor’s Notes
Why We Chose the King James Version
We chose the 1769 form of the King James Bible for our revision for the following reasons:
 1. The obvious gay link to King James, known amongst friends and courtiers as “Queen James” because of his many gay lovers.
2. No Bible is perfect, but everyone knows the King James Bible; It is arguably the most popular Bible in history and the basis of many other translations.
What We Changed
The Bible is the word of God translated by man. This (saying nothing countless translations and the evolution of language itself) means the Bible can be interpreted in different ways, leading to what we call “interpretive ambiguity.” In editing The Queen James Bible we were faced with the decision to modify existing interpretively ambiguous language, or simply to delete it.

There are problems with removal of verses:
• It doesn’t address the problem of interpretive ambiguity, it only brushes it under the rug.
• It renders an incomplete Bible.
• Revelation says not to “edit the book,” and people often extend that to mean the entire Bible, not just the book of Revelation.
There are also problems with editing verses:
• The context, idiom, and grammar from the time are almost impossible to recreate. • Changes could further create interpretive ambiguity.

Many versions of the Bible translated and published since the King James Bible have changed the language, so the precedent had been set for editing. Furthermore, both problems with editing are easily addressed by deciding to make the edits as simple as possible.
The following is from a review of another book about King James’ bisexuality:
King James and Letters of Homoerotic Desire
University of Iowa Press
“Seventeenth-century readers might have seen in King James and Letters of Homoerotic Desire a chest or cabinet in which secret letters are unlocked and opened up for scrutiny. Today's readers will find that the book reads like an epistolary novel, telling a story that is sometimes scandalous, occasionally poignant, always intriguing.”—Bruce R. Smith, professor of English at Georgetown University

“Bergeron's exploration of letters between King James and three of his 'favorites' reveals an intimate world of collaborative homoerotics and sexual desire. The lucid, lively narrative generously includes newly collected letters between the king and George Villiers, duke of Buckingham, passionate, touching, amazing missives that will interest every reader concerned with same-sex love in any age.”—Allen J. Frantzen, author of Before the Closet: Same-Sex Love from “Beowulf” to “Angels in America”

What can we know of the private lives of early British sovereigns? Through the unusually large number of letters that survive from King James VI of Scotland/James I of England (1566-1625), we can know a great deal. Using original letters, primarily from the British Library and the National Library of Scotland, David Bergeron creatively argues that James' correspondence with certain men in his court constitutes a gospel of homoerotic desire. Bergeron grounds his provocative study on an examination of the tradition of letter writing during the Renaissance and draws a connection between homosexual desire and letter writing during that historical period.

King James, commissioner of the Bible translation that bears his name, corresponded with three principal male favorites—Esmé Stuart (Lennox), Robert Carr (Somerset), and George Villiers (Buckingham). Esmé Stuart, James' older French cousin, arrived in Scotland in 1579 and became an intimate adviser and friend to the adolescent king. Though Esmé was eventually forced into exile by Scottish nobles, his letters to James survive, as does James' hauntingly allegorical poem Phoenix. The king's close relationship with Carr began in 1607. James' letters to Carr reveal remarkable outbursts of sexual frustration and passion.

A large collection of letters exchanged between James and Buckingham in the 1620s provides the clearest evidence for James' homoerotic desires. During a protracted separation in 1623, letters between the two raced back and forth. These artful, self-conscious letters explore themes of absence, the pleasure of letters, and a preoccupation with the body. Familial and sexual terms become wonderfully intertwined, as when James greets Buckingham as "my sweet child and wife."

King James and Letters of Homoerotic Desire presents a modern-spelling edition of seventy-five letters exchanged between Buckingham and James. Across the centuries, commentators have condemned the letters as indecent or repulsive. Bergeron argues that on the contrary they reveal an inward desire of king and subject in a mutual exchange of love.
George Fox
(1624-1691) a British seeker after spiritual truth and peace, failed to find them in the churches of his time.  He did find them however in a new personal relationship with ChristWhen all my hope in churches was gone I heard a voice which said, It is the inner voice, or the inner light, the true light which lights every man that comes into the world, a voice available to all having nothing to do with ceremonies, rituals, or creeds.  Every person is a walking church; every heart is God’s altar and shrine.”
It was revolutionary, and it was treated as such by the state church of England.  To say both state and church were wrong, that their theology and dogma meant nothing and that people need not attend church houses to find God, that it was equally wrong to pay taxes to support the state church clergy was rebellion.

A letter to Billy Graham
Dear Dr. Graham,
I have given up trying to find out what the bible says, as far as I can tell you can make the bible say anything you want it to, if you just look hard enough.
I think we have to look elsewhere to find out about God, or whatever is out there.  (Writer unknown)
Bible translations and illiteracy
Bible translations have long been a part of our culture and have had great historical significance.  Early bible translations include the Latin Vulgate Bible, which was the first time the bible had been presented in a written form other than the original Hebrew and Greek.  The Wulfila Bible was another notable translation created by a 4th century missionary to the Goths of Scandinavia, and marks the first translation in any Germanic tongue.
Today, the history and tradition of bible translations are carried out through the work of Bible societies, Wycliffe bible translators and other translation groups.  More people have access to the bible than at any other time in History.  From the efforts of this global network, bible translations are available in almost 300 languages spoken around the world and missionary work has spread around the globe into developing countries.  The effectiveness of this work has been limited because over 50 percent of the world population is illiterate.  A vast majority of people living in underdeveloped countries cannot read the bible, even when it is translated into their own language.
Without taking the mark of the beast you cannot buy or sell, that means you will lose your job or business, your standing in the community and be persecuted by those around you and you cannot be the President of the United States of America, or be or do anything else as a part of society.
Proverbs 16:2 all the ways of man are clean in his own eyes; but the Lord weighs the spirits.
This is the temptation that God has brought upon this generation to test if they really love Him. If you cannot tear up a bible as an idol then you cannot be saved because you give the bible authority as the word of god and you are empowering evil men to use it for their ungodly acts which makes you a partaker with their sins of idolatry, murder and molesting of little children. You will be judged with them. We MUST be led of Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit. The bible is only dead letter history that will keep you in the flesh under the curse of the law.